Anxiety to marry can be felt by anyone who wants to step on marriage. Anxiety in men is more pronounced in the presence of various consequences that must be faced in living a married life such as loss of autonomy, freedom, the experience of having a child and being a father. A man who has a positive self-concept then it will have a positive impact also on the idea of marriage, while men who hav…
Hamonangan Tampubolon, Indra. 2013. Marital Satisfaction difference Judging Husband-Wife Husband of Education. Department of Psychology. Faculty of Psychology. Merdeka University of Malang. Supervisor: (I) Dr. Fabiola Hendrati, S. Psi., M.Sc., Psychologist (II) Agustin Rachmawati, S.Psi., M.Sc., Psi. The purpose of this study was to determine differences in marital satisfaction of husbands in…
To the effect this research is subject to be know distinctive marriage congruity on marriage early days is sighted of wife works and wife not work. Ability to conform with couple at marriage early days constitute recognition term self among wife husband. Wife husband works to get time that subtracted to notice each other. Husband wife not works to have economics problem. Therefore will do this …
ABSTRAK Nama, Zidna. 2012. Studi Komparasi Perjanjian Perkawinan Menurut Kitab Undang-Undang Hukum Perdata, Undang-Undang No. 1 Tahun 1974, Dan Kompilasi Hukum Islam. Skripsi, Jurusan Perdata Perorangan Fakultas Hukum Universitas Merdeka Malang. Dosen Pembimbing : (I) Prof. Dr. H. Kasuwi Saiban, M.Ag. (II) Sunarjo, S.H., M.Hum. Dalam suatu perkawinan terdapat suatu peraturan yang mengatur ada…
Every person who wants to get married should have the preparation in facing the future of marriage. Marriage which has its own requirements in terms of requirements such as law, religion and culture. Marriage is a sacred bond between a man and a woman before God and witnesses to obtain happiness and eternal bliss in the offspring continue legally. In conducting marriages each partner wants …
Harmonisasi yang kurang dalam rumah tangga selalu menjadi masalah yang timbul dalam pernikahan, begitu juga pada pernikahan usia dini. Pasangan pernikahan usia dini ketika berhadapan dengan suatu masalah, cenderung menggunakan ego masing-masing dan cenderung bertindak menggunakan emosi. Individu yang memiliki kematangan emosi akan senantiasa berusaha untuk menyikapi dan menyelesaikan se…
The study aims to know the relationship between husband’s work stresses as TNI AD with the marriage. Harmony in marriage requires commitment between husband and wife to believe and respect each other so that conflict can be avoided, or if any, can be solved in a good way. This kind of commitment is, indeed, important for a husband and a wife, especially for those who work as TNI AD si…