Find the right person to help supercharge your career. Whether you're eyeing a specific leadership role, hoping to advance your skills, or simply looking to broaden your skills, or simply looking to broaden your professional network, you need to find someone who can help. Wait for a senior manager to come looking for you-and you'll probably be waiting forever. Instead, you need to find th…
This study aims to analyze the influence of the training, human resource development, employee morale, and employee performance through a positivist approach. The population is employees SKM (Sigaret Kretek Mesin) Unit.V PT. Gudang Garam, Tbk with a sample of 100 employees who have represented proportionately from each part of the field of production, quality control, and PPIC. Engineering anal…
As one of the sixteen destinations included in the main strategy of tourism development and creative economy of Indonesia, East Nusa Tenggara has a number of tourist attractions. Interesting and amazing tourist destinations there are komodo dragons, nature tourism Lake Kelimutu, heritage tourism, Kupang the city of 1000 churches, traditional weaving crafts, and still many others. Of those …
kita semua tentu pernah menjumpai wanita yang seolah selalu diberkati dalam hidupnya. Wanita-wanita yang seolah memang dilahirkan untuk bernasib baik dan berbahagia. Kadang kita pun iri melihat mereka. Sepertinya mereka selalu mampu mengelola hidup yang demikian sibuk ini tanpa tergesa-gesa dan bersusah payah, dengan sikap yang anggun dan tenang. Namun, menurut Victoria Moran, sebenarnya ada ba…