The study of the relationship between media and audience becomes the main focus between the media industry, academics, or, media observers and social issues. The media can be an incentive for individuals to enjoy the message being presented or the program being displayed. The content of the media itself can become a discourse of conversation and be accepted by interested audiences, if it is rel…
The rapid development of technology and information makes it easy for the public to access and obtain information, of course with this convenience public relations activities will automatically become easy. In conducting public relations activities we can use the media as an information portal. The effectiveness of social media in public relations activities is utilized by Kakang Mbakyu Malang …
Food is the most basic human need. Therefore the fulfillment of food is part of individual human rights. Fulfillment of food is also very important as a basic component in realizing quality human resources. Implementation is an action or implementation of a plan that has been prepared carefully and in detail, implementation is usually carried out after the planning is considered ready. Th…
On-the-Job Training Program or OJT Program is a program aiming to provide opportunity for students to develop and apply the knowledge and skill they acquired from university. By conducting this program, students gain new experience, knowledge, and skill for preparation before entering the job career. During OJT the writer was assigned at EnJourMe (English Journal of Merdeka) : Culture, Language…
On the Job Training Program is a program provided by the D3 English Program which aimed to offer opportunities for students to hone their abilities and add new experiences, especially in the world of work. Through this program, students are expected to be able and ready to deal with the ups and downs of work after graduation. During OJT, the writer was positioned as a content creator at the Lan…
Kemiskinan dapat membatasi seseorang untuk melakukan dan mendapatkan banyak hal. Namun semakin berjalannya waktu, kemiskinan bukanlah menjadi satu-satunya problematika. populasi penduduk yang meningkat berdampak pada berkurangnya lahan yang layak untuk dijadikan tempat tinggal, sehingga dengan begitu dapat menyebabkan munculnya permasalahan baru yaitu banyaknya permasalahan kemiskinan menjadi …
Program Raskin merupakan suatu Program Pemerintah Pusat dalam bentuk beras yang diperuntukan bagi rumah tangga yang berpenghasilan rendah sebagai upaya dari Pemerintah untuk meningkatkan ketahanan pangan dan memberikan perlindungan sosial bagi Rumah Tanggga Sasaran Penerima Manfaat (RTS-PM). Pada perkembangannya Program Raskin masih ada saja permasalahan seperti ketidak tepatan sasaran Penerima…