Each regional work unit (SKPD) records accounting for economic transactions that occur on its part, so as to produce financial reports. The purpose of this study is to analyze the suitability of financial recording and reporting on the SKPD in Manggarai Regency, especially in the Regional Finance Agency with the Minister of Home Affairs Regulation No. 13 of 2006 and Government Regulation No. 71…
In human life, an organization is needed. With the existence of organization or company, the purpose of the group will be realized. To realize the company's goals, it takes the role of humans or human resources (employees). For the purpose of achieving the company depends on work performance. Work performance on employees can be seen from the ability to complete the job according to the target …
BPKAD (Badan Pengelola Keuangan dan Aset Daerah) is a work unit in a regency/city government whose task is to prepare and implement regional financial management policies and function as regional treasurers. BPKAD is spread in all regencies/cities throughout Indonesia. One of them is in Malang City. BPKAD of Malang City staff must be professional in carrying out their duties, therefore, BPKAD s…
The purpose of this research is to find out how the form and content of a specific time labor agreement in its application and how the implementation of protection for workers / laborers in a certain time work agreement according to Law Number 13 of 2003 concerning Labor. Based on the literature research it is concluded that: 1. The process of applying the work agreement system for a certain ti…
Seiring dengan persaingan bisnis yang semakin kompetitif sebagai akibat dari perubahan selera pelanggan, teknologi, dan perubahan landscape bisnis, maka setiap oraganisasi membutuhkan sumber daya yang memiliki kompetensi superior. Pada dasarnya bisa dikatakan bahwa untuk bertahan dalam persaingan maka pengelolaan sumber daya manusia memberikan suatu peran strategis, dengan memastikan bahwa komp…
Penggunaan sistem hidrolik untuk berbagai aplikasi peralatan penunjang pekerjaan sangat luas digunakan karena sifat dan kekuatannya yang baik dan mudah dalam perancangannya. Tracking hydraulic dapat diaplikasikan secara luas dalam berbagai kebutuhan. Prinsip alat kerja ini didesain untuk pelepasan bearing/pemasangan pada suatu poros atau suatu rumah ball bearing secara vertikal maupun hor…