The writer found a lot of problems related to English learning activities at MI Sunan Kalijaga that related with students’ behavior and habits. These problems are low students’ motivation in learning English and lack of willingness to be better. Thus, they did not understand the material given by their teachers. The purpose of this study is to know the effect of a motivation on students…
Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui ada tidaknya hubungan antara Keyakinan Subyektif dengan Kepatuhan Sosial pada mahasiswa Pendatang di Universitas Merdeka Malang. Populasi dalam penelitian ii adalah mahasiswa Flores yang berkuliah Universitas Merdeka Malang yang berjumlah 326 orang. Sampel dalam penelitian ini adalah mahasiswa Flores yang berada di semester VII sebanyak 141 or…
Bimbingan dan konseling merupakan bagian integral dari pendidikan yang bertujuan untuk membantu seseorang menjadi manusia yang dewasa dan mandiri, yang memahami dirinya sendiri secara utuh dengan kelebihan dan kekuranganyya.
Rachmaningrum, Ratih Agustin. 2014. relations between the quality of service to the satisfaction of the faculty the Faculty of Psychology of the University students in the Merdeka Malang. Majoring In Psychology. Faculty Of Psychology. University Merdeka Malang. Supervisor (I) Dr. Fabiola Hendrati S. Psi.,, M.Si., Psi. (II) Agustin Rahmawati, S. Psi., M.Si. Psi. The purpose of this resear…
Ulmardiyah, Aina Aina., 2013. Differences Spiritual Intelligence High School Students and Students of Madrasah Aliyah. Faculty of Psychology, Merdeka University of Malang. Dr. Fabiola Hendrati, M.Si, Psikolog (I), Agustin Rahmawati, S.Psi, Psikolog (II). Teens are required to adapt to their environment socially, adjusting to a friend interaction, and adaptation to the norms or values …
The study was conducted to determine the relationship between spiritual intelligence with resilience in students who attend an accelerated program. The population in this study were students at SMAN acceleration in Malang as many as 194 students. The samples in this study were female students of SMAN accelerated program in the city of Malang by 55 students. Sampling in this study usin…