Work productivity in a company is very important, to achieve the optimal one with respect to employee job satisfaction. But the fact is there are many employees who feel bored, bored in his work, was not happy and was not comfortable, and if possible he was trying to avoid her, the employee can be said as an employee who is not satisfied with his job. This research is quantitative research…
Buku ini sangat cocok untuk para pemimpin/manajer. Juga sangat bermanfaat bagi karyawan dalam melihat potret dirinya.
Buku ini adalah bacaan penting bagi setiap manajer lini, pimpinan tim dan pemilik bisnis yang bertanggungjawab, karenanya buku panduan yang tidak ternilai ani akan memastikan staff and tetap sehat dan bahagia di tempat kerja.
Buku ini memaparkan proses desentralisasi di Indonesia secara lebih komprehensif, karena disajikan secara menyeluruh, mulai dari aspek pemerintah daerah, DPRD, kepegawaian, keuangan, pemilihan umum, perusahaan daerah, pajak, hingga penyelenggaraaan negara yang bebas KKN.
This book is a model of public agency democracy that accommodates the benefits of bureaucratic processes along with the disruption of change. To better understand its implications and potential the author has synthesized an extensive amount of knowledge about the field of public administration, the meaning of effectiveness, management persuasions and individual motivation.