This book is about the nature of performance in such organizations. It contains some ideas about how to improve that performance, especially in our current environment. The lessons herein are derived from my own experiences, some 30 years of working in and around a wide variety of human service organization, and they come from a deeply optimistic view that we can get better at what we do.
Harris Widodo, 08330059 Program Studi Ilmu Komunikasi, Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik, Universitas Merdeka Malang, menulis Skripsi Tentang ”Efektifitas Media Brosur Dalam Menarik Minat Pengguna Jasa Industri Multimedia”. Dengan Dosen pembimbing yang mendampingi yaitu Pembimbing I Bapak Priyo Dari Mulyo dan Dosen Pembimbing II yaitu Bapak Imam Patkuroji. Kozuka Production is one of t…
Bibliografi : hal.
Bibliography: p. 261-264. Index: p. 265-267.