Bank BRI Syariah is a bank with a fairly good NPF (Non Performing Financing) with an average of 0.14% mudharabah financing and 0.74% musyarakah financing. Thus, it can be said that the analysis of problematic financing that occurs in BRISyariah banks is quite good. However, it must be increased again so that the NPF level in the following year will get better so that the NPF level will decrease…
The film Parasite shows that the character of the Kim family, who is the lowest strata family, uses all means to survive and can balance existing inequalities even in the wrong way. This study is intended to determine audience acceptance in response to social inequality in the film Parasite. This study uses a qualitative method by using the responses of informants regarding Parasite Film whi…
The clever version of Gojek's advertisement is one of the advertisements that is viral in 2019 and is widely discussed in many places, and in the same year in 2019 the Gojek advertisement received an award from the imagery of the creative advertisement category with a duration of sixty seconds, then the researcher wants to find out the meaning- the meaning contained in the clever version of the…
Identifikasi potensi bahaya merupakan salah satu upaya pencegahan terhadap bahaya yang dapat terjadi di suatu tempat atau aktivitas. Pemetaan risiko bahaya yang dapat terjadi sangatlah penting bagi sebuah perusahaan sebagai salah satu cara mengantisipasi terjadinya kecelakaan dan meminimalisir kerusakan. Sehingga dari alasan inilah manajemen risiko terhadap bahaya yang mungkin terjadi menj…
"Sebuah sindiran yang cemerlang dan menyenangkan terhadap salah satu institusi budaya kita yang terhormat, Killing Freud memadukan kebenaran ilmiah yang sempurna dengan kecerdasan yang luar biasa. Todd Dufresne, seorang peneliti ternama dalam hal pemikiran Freud, telah menulis buku yang bernilai dan mencerahkan yang menyatakan kematian psikoanalisis tanpa berupaya membuktikan 'Mengapa Freud Kel…