A period of adolescent growth as a period to which is full of difficulty and problem, do not only for adolescent it self, but also generate the problem for parent (Family) environment and (society). Some factor causing behavior delinkuen is adolescent self acceptance and social acceptance. Intention of this research is to know whether/what there are influences of among acceptance of social acce…
Saham merupakan bentuk investasi yang banyak dipilih oleh investor.Dalam kegiatan pasar modal harga saham merupakan refleksi dari nilai perusahaan. Untuk menilai saham, pemodal harus melakukan analisis terlebih dahulu terhadap saham-saham yang ada di pasar modal untuk menentukan saham-saham yang dapat memberikan return paling optimal. Penilaian harga saham dapat dilakukan dengan menggunakan ana…
All this time, Air Conditioning temperature has been changed by pushing remote control as what temperature needed. If room temperature has been changed, Air Conditioning temperature that comes out has also to be changed till the temperature is suitable with room condition. Since the mechanism is complicated, it needs to make program controlling temperature that is come out from Air Conditioning…
In creating flowerpot product by utilizing paper scrap it is required a substance strength test therefore the product yielded is achieving the researcher’s desire that is the product that in expensive in the resources but have the strength that almost the same as the other flowerpot product. Therefore, to know the correct composition in making flowerpot, the researcher conducted a substance …
PT. Usaha Tani Maju Kediri is company yielding compost. At the moment Company of this compost conduct his production process consisted of by 6 station work that is extortion, amputation, draining, refrigeration, mixing, and Blocking. Each of station work, consisted of by 8 day-pay worker, commisioned as operator assistant PT. Usaha Tani Maju Kediri given on to by a out of job fact it the …
Tahun 1997-1998 merupakan tahun yang terberat dalam tiga puluh tahun pelaksanaan pembangunan ekonomi Indonesia. Hal ini disebabkan karena krisis nilai tukar yang terjadi pada pertengahan tahun 1997. Sejak saat itu kinerja perekonomian Indonesia menurun tajam dan berubah menjadi krisis yang berkepanjangan ini berimbas pada menurunnya kepercayaan masyarakat pada lembaga perbankan dan bank-bank da…