This book attack the conventional wisdom that bureaucrats are bunglers and the system can't be changed. Michael Barzelay and Babak Armajani trace the source of much poor performance in government to the persistent influence of what they call the bureaucratic paradigm - a theory built on such notions as central control, economy and efficiency, and rigid adherence to rules.
This book presents methods for analyzing and resolving planning and policy issues at state, regional, and urban levels. Divided into two parts, methods whic is organized around the steps in the policy analysis process, and cases which present seven policy cases, the yext provides students with the resources they need for effective policy planning and analysis. Quantitative and qualitative metho…
Buku ini berisi kumpulan tulisan-tulisan yang membahas berbagai macam topik dan bidang kajian dalam Manajemen Keuangan Sektor Publik (MKSP. Di dalamnya mencoba memberikan beberapa gambaran dan bahasan problematika yang dihadapi oleh norganisasi pemerintah, pemerintah pusat maupun pemerintah daerah sebagai sebuah organisasi publik. problematika dimaksud adalah yang terkait penerimaan dan pengelu…