Quality Service is form service for community that to be related with time service, process service, accuracy service, politeness and friendly to be give service, reponsibility to include complaint consumers. To be growth quality service part to order important on commitment work employee be result want to reach company can be maximum and competition with another company. Work commitment t…
ABSTRAKSI Nama : Fajar Dwi Ardhianto, NIM : 08.10.8052, “ KAJIAN YURIDIS TENTANG TUGAS DAN WEWENANG ANTARA KEJAKSAAN DENGAN KOMISI PEMBERANTASAN KORUPSI ( KPK ) DALAM MENANGANI TINDAK PIDANA KORUPSI ( Studi di Kejaksaan Negeri Pasuruan ) ”, Skripsi, Fakultas Hukum Universitas Merdeka Malang, 2011. Penelitian ini bertujuan : 1. Untuk mengetahui kriteria jenis tindak pidana korupsi ap…
Anxiety facing retirement is a situation that is not fun and full of anxiety caused by the subjective interpretations of individuals who view retirement as a new problem that makes the individual is experiencing conflict internally and externally, either psychological or physiological disorder. While the Intelligence Adversity is the individual response to the difficulties faced, namely the…
Teenagers are the grown-up human who are leaving their childhood for pre-adult age. For the maturity of attitude is established, teenagers need self-adjustment. It is very important because self-adjustment will determine the attitude and psychological condition of teenagers in the future. Teenagers may be difficult or failed for self-adjustment in their environment. Such failure can give bad im…
Self Adjustment is the individual's ability to adapt, conformity and mastery efforts to align personal internal needs with the demands from the outside so that individuals can function effectively and balanced. Independence is a situation on an individual who has to recognize his identity, was able to do something for her self, has a competing desire to move forward for the good of him self…
Term menopause is a period where a woman experience its stop menstruating cycle up to 12 months. It constitutes natural process and normal, for woman what does enter age 45 50 years. Severally woman which experience menopause behind schedule until age reaches 51 years. Menopause this evoke impact well on physical and also impact on psychological. Condition of menopause what do happen to ar…
Students are the hope of the nation's younger generation who are prepared to continue the national development in the future, the students are required to perform well in various fields, including in education. High achievement motivation of a student will have an effect on academic achievement. achievement motivation is the impetus for success in a situation of competition based on the siz…
Semua wanita memiliki harapan jika nantinya akan menikah dengan pria yang dicintai dan pria yang menjadi pilihannya sendiri, namun hal tersebut akan terasa sangat sulit bagi wanita berkasta Brahmana yang menjalin hubungan dengan pria yang berbeda kasta. Wanita yang berkasta Brahmana pasti akan berpikir bekali-kali sebelum meminta izin kepada orang tuanya agar merestui hubungan tersebut,…
Kekuatan anak muda, perempuan, dan masyarakat di dunia online (YWN) semakin menjadi katalisator terwujudnya lanskap pemasran yang baru di indonesia, dan diakui sebagai kekuatan ampuh yang mendominasi dunia pemasaran di era New Wave yang serba horisontal, inklusif dan sosial.