Beberapa petinggi partai Golkar di sinyalir ikut menikmati hasil praktek lancung Akil Mochtar, diantaranya Jendral Idrus Marham dan bendahara Setya Novanto
Aktor skandal proyek Hambalang dan Wisma Atlet satu per satu terkuak, kini muncul nama Marzuki Alie, ketua DPR ini menerima Rp.2 Miliar dari Nazaruddin.
Sosok hakim berdarah Madura ini, telah membuat keder para terpidana korupsi dan narkotika dengan keputusan vonis yang ia buat.
Asian Agri menolak membayar denda pajak Rp. 2,5 triliun dengan mengajukan banding dan Direktorat Jendral Pajak tak mau mundur.
Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui hubungan antara Social Comaprison dengan penerimaan diri pada remaja putra dari ibu TKI (tenaga Kerja Indonesia). Social Comparison adalah proses penilaian diri sendiri dengan membandingkan diri dengan orang lain dengan melibatkan pendapat dan kemampuan dengan tujuan meningkatkan potensi diri dan melakukan evaluasi terhadap diri sendiri. Hal ini…
Dread involves perception about feel which be rough on and physiological reaction, in other words dread is react or reputed situation perilous. Emeritus term can evoke problem because don't everybody ready to face it. If concept self positive someone therefore it will regard its mental health also. Person that have concept self contrariwise negative will perceive condescending, insufficiently …
Anxiety to marry can be felt by anyone who wants to step on marriage. Anxiety in men is more pronounced in the presence of various consequences that must be faced in living a married life such as loss of autonomy, freedom, the experience of having a child and being a father. A man who has a positive self-concept then it will have a positive impact also on the idea of marriage, while men who hav…
A husband who has been sentenced to suffer from diabetes mellitus is a chronic disease can cause death, will change the overall pattern of his life, in addition to being head of the family as well as the backbone of her family. Diabetes mellitus husband would feel uncomfortable going to the situation, because the controls should be routinely treated to get a shot of insulin. Thereby affecting t…