Sari, Niken. 2014. Relationship Between Emotional Intelligence Social Adjustment in Adolescents with High School Panjura Malang. Department of Psychology. Faculty Psychology. Merdeka University Malang. Dr. Fabiola Hendrati, S.Psi., M.Si.,Psi (I). Agustin Rahmawati, S.Psi., M.Psi.,Psi (II). Social adjustment is the capacity or provide an effective response to the reality, situations and soci…
Saat ini perubahan di masyarakat sangat cepat terjadi. Manusia sebagai pelaku sekaligus obyek perubahan haruslah berinteraksi dengan perubahan. Menghadapi perubahan yang serba cepat, manusia dihadapkan pada berbagai persoalan. Karena itu , diperlukan kajian-kajian yang dapat menjelaskan segala fenomena mutakhir. Psikologi sosial yang menempatkan manusia sebagai makhluk individu dalam konteks so…
Masyarakat Modern yang serba .......................
This book inspires a new generation of qualitative researchers in both the art and science of doing qualitative research analysis. Highly accessible in their approach, authors Juliet Corbin and the late Anselm Strauss ( a founder of grounded theory) provide a step-by-step guide to the research act - from the formation of the research question through several approaches to coding and analysis, t…
The second edition of this classic text from acclaimed author Paul Spiker introduces students to the concepts and methods of social policy. It provides a sense of the scope, range and purpose of the subject while developing critical awareness of problems, issues and common fallacies.