This aim of the research was to identify the influence of power distance and masculinity to the commitment of organization. The variables involved in the research were dependent variable and independent variable. Dependent variable was the commitment of organization, independent variable were power distance and masculinity. The hypothesis of the research was that power distance and masculinity …
This book was written to be read in chapter order. concepts are defined when they first appear and arguments in subsequent chapters build on those that have come before.Index provide for people who wish to skip around.This book firs, about organizations, not just organization theory. Second, about the emergence of organizations, not just their existence. Third, about the process through which n…
Buku ini memberikan gambaran tentang sumbangan apa yang bisa diberikan oleh manusia modern, pimpinan organisasi, dan para konsultan organisasi tersebut kepada organisasi tempat mereka hidup.
This book advocates a further attempt to introduce more holistic and people-centered approaches to management and transformation in to the organizations and institutions that surround us before we opt either to abandon them or to let them die.
Debrina Intani (08330021), Mahasiswa Program Studi Ilmu Komunikasi, Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik, Universitas Medeka Malang, Pembimbing I : Ana Mariani, S.Sos, M.Si dan pembimbing II : Sri Widayati, S.Pd, M.Si, REPUTASI PERGURUAN TINGGI DIMATA PUBLIK INTERNAL (Survey Pada Dosen dan Karyawan Universitas Merdeka Malang), Skripsi, 2012. Dunia komunikasi yang bergerak dinamis tentunya ak…