Seiring dengan meningkatnya perkuliahan yang efektif di Fakultas Teknologi Informasi Unmer Malang, maka pada studi kasus ini saya berusaha untuk membuat sebuah aplikasi berupa Kritik Saran sebagai bentuk feedback layanan pendidikan. Dari pengelaman dan pengamatan yang penulis alami pada saat ini, kegiatan perkuliahan sehari-hari dari mahasiswa maupun dosen banyak mengalami perkembangan. Untuk m…
Seiring dengan berkembangnya zaman , manusia mengenal teknologi yang semakin maju terutama yang berkaitan dengan komunikasi, Media sosial aplikasi chatting merupakan media komunikasi pada era modern saat ini dan banyak digunakan masyarakat. pada masing-masing aplikasi chatting tersebut memiliki kelebihan dan kekurangan sendiri yang membuat para pengguna media chatting tersebut memberikan tangga…
Arranging lecture schedules in academic activities is a routine activity that is carried out every semester. In the process of compiling the course schedule, there have many elements that are interrelated, namely: lecturers, courses, classrooms and lecture time. Therefor, it is necessary to optimize the lecture schedule so that the lecture can be carried out properly. The preparation of the lec…
Sendang Biru is one of the beaches located in Malang Regency. Sendang Biru is one of the local wisdom that is rich in produce in the field of maritime and tourism. The large sea catch made Sendang Biru to be turned into The Indonesian Fishery Port by the Government of Malang. Sendang Biru is a combination of two main aspects of activities, namely fisheries and business, and there are aspects of…
The purpose of this Final Project is to solve the problem of the delay in the implementation of the New 12 Floors Building Project Phase I of the Administration Faculty, Universitas Brawijaya Malang by determining the types of work that can be accelerated, determining the number and types of labor, and handling costs for acceleration. It also can set the planned implementation time precisely. …
The purpose of this research is to find out how the form and content of a specific time labor agreement in its application and how the implementation of protection for workers / laborers in a certain time work agreement according to Law Number 13 of 2003 concerning Labor. Based on the literature research it is concluded that: 1. The process of applying the work agreement system for a certain ti…