Performance productivity is a process that shows relation between output in form of services, and input in form of resources (human or non-human resources) in a period of time. Performance productivity concerns on staffs working satisfactory factor that indicates success or failure in producing the outcome. There are four factors that influence performance productivity. The first factor…
Potensi bengkel teknik masih sangat menjanjikan bagi sebuah wirausaha di perkotaan seperti kota Malang. Pertumbuhan kebutuhan perumahan untuk rumah tinggal yang sangat besar terjadi di kota Malang sebagai peluang bisnis bagi bengkel teknik dalam memproduksi pesanan pagar dan canopy sebagai perlengkapan sebuah rumah tinggal. Permasalahan yang dihadapi oleh bengkel teknik adalah keterbatasan …
Penggunaan teknologi pengerolan dengan sistem roll bending, sangat dibutuhkan untuk meningkatkan efisiensi dan efektivitas proses produksi dengan berkurangnya waktu proses serta peningkatan kualitas produk dengan berkurangnya resiko cacat produk. Proses pembentukan pipa frame lengkung di bengkel teknik menggunakan sistem manual menghasilkan cacat produk berupa pengkerutan pada sisi dalam dan…
Laboratory of working measurement and method is laboratory space used as practice place of timber production for student of Industry Engineering of Merdeka University of Malang. This laboratory has some machines used to production, these are router machine, cutting saw machine, drilling machine, etc. from the research, it can be found that router machine operator faces with problem, that is s…
Home Industrial Javanical Company is small industry producing sweet soy sauce stamp Lele. This Home Industrial managed by individualness and in production still in small scale. At production system still use equipments which the manual start to cook until packaging. So that in this industrial home still a lot of insuffiency, one of them is at station work packing. Packing station consisted …
In recent month, PT. Timur Selatan a laminated wood manufactures faces shortage of products. Marketing receives lack of demand which can’t achieved by plant capacity. It misses these opportunities and gets lost sales. To reach demand fulfilment, the company has to upgrade the plant capacity. It’s not necessary to install new equipment yet. Process approach and work study improve the method…