Instagram is a social media that has a variety of functions. The social function of Instagram has had offered economic benefits as well by which the community has recognized as Instagram business features. Instagram business features is specified for supporting a promotional and marketing purpose by any company or individual who wants to run a business. The primary aim of doing promotion is to …
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh marketing mix (product,price &place) terhadap kepuasan konsumen secara bersama-sama maupun parsial serta untuk mengetahui variabel yang berpengaruh dominan terhadap kepuasan konsumen di coffee shop PesenKopi.Variabel bebas yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah product,price dan place, dan variable terikat dalam penelitian ini adalah kepuas…
This study aims to improve the application of management control systems in the field of production. Measuring the level of efficiency and effectiveness of the production department. Measuring the level of efficiency through the costs used as a benchmark for production activities and measuring the ability of the company to manage the tasks where the company produce results that can be achieved …
This research aims to analyze the effect of Regional Expenditure and Original Local Government Revenue toward gross regional domestic product in Malang on 2004-2018. Gross regional domestic product is defined as the sum of the added value generated by all business units in a certain area. Gross regional domestic product is also one of the important indicators to determine the economic condition…
This study aims to describe special allocation fund (X1), original income (X2), and the regional gross domestic product in Batu (Y) which are used to determine the effect of special allocation fund and original income on the regional gross domestic product in Batu period 2010 – 2018 and to find out which variables between special allocation fund and original income have the greatest influence…
Economic growth is a measure of how much a country's ability to produce goods or services increases, it can be seen in the Gross Regional Domestic Product (GRDP) data. The steps taken by the regional government are by increasing regional tax revenue and in terms of managing balance funds which are then distributed to local governments with the aim of overcoming financial disparities between reg…
Manajemen operasi merupakan hal penting bagi berjalannya suatu perusahaan karena setiap perusahaan pasti menjalankan operasi. Berbagai keputusan mengenai operasi harus dilakukan manajer. Di samping itu, kegiatan operasi di sebagian besar perusahaan adalah sumber pengeluaran terbesar. Pengelolaan yang tidak benar dan tidak hati-hati dapat menjadi malapetaka bagi perusahaan. Buku pengantar man…
Manajemen operasi merupakan hal penting bagi berjalannya suatu perusahaan karena setiap perusahaan pasti menjalankan operasi. Berbagai keputusan mengenai operasi harus dilakukan manajer. Di samping itu, kegiatan operasi di sebagian besar perusahaan adalah sumber pengeluaran terbesar. Pengelolaan yang tidak benar dan tidak hati-hati dapat menjadi malapetaka bagi perusahaan. Buku pengantar man…