UMM Malang Hospital is a means of supporting education and is one of the profit centers of UMM Malang which is strategically located in the middle of Malang. Checking stock items, incoming and outgoing stock transactions are still carried out using books and so is making a report of inventory, incoming and outgoing stock transactions are also still done manually. The purpose of writing this fin…
Setia Budi Shop is a business field store, especially in the area of Malang, which is located in the center of Malang. Data checking, data input and sales transactions are still done using the book and so the data making report of goods, goods sales transactions are still done by manual. The purpose of writing this final task is made to facilitate employee data checking goods and transaction sa…
Rarhacha Thai Tea adalah suatu usaha yang bergerak di bidang kuliner berbentuk minuman racikan teh Thailand yang sangat digemari banyak kalangan. Adapun masalah yang terjadi adalah dalam pengiriman stok barang pada setiap outlet yang tersebar di kota malang tidak terjadwal dan sering menyebabkan kerugian pada stok barang. Untuk memecahkan masalah yang terjadi pada Rarhacha Thai Tea adalah denga…
Apotik Sehat Batu is a place that serves the sale of pharmaceutical drugs for the surrounding community which is strategically located, which is in the middle of Batu city. Apotik Sehat Batu has a business covering public health services that require treatment and recovery, located Jl. Panglima Sudirman No.52 Batu City, East Java. Checking the data of goods, supplier data, employee data, inputt…
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mempermudah proses pengolahan data nilai mahasiswa yang belum tuntas yang membutuhkan ketelitian, kecepatan dan ketepatan sehingga dibutuhkan software lain untuk mendukung software yang sudah tersedia. Oleh karena itu, dalam hal ini Peneliti menggunakan Microsoft Excel sebagai software pendukung. Rumus yang digunakan dalam Microsoft Excel ini bertujuan untuk mendu…
Microsoft Teams is a collaborative platform owned by Microsoft that belongs to the Office Application class. Like other Office applications, this software is also very easy to operate. It's as easy as using Microsoft Word or Powerpoint applications. Microsoft Teams is a communication and collaboration platform that combines the features of work conversations, video meetings, file storage and ap…
D3 English is one of the diploma courses in the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences at the University of Merdeka Malang in the area of Malang, strategically located in the middle of the city. Unmer Malang has 6 faculties and 28 Prodi (courses) located in several separate buildings located on JL. Terusan Dieng No. 62-64 Malang City, East Java province. Every day in D3 English manages incomi…
Universitas Merdeka Malang adalah satu Perguruan Tinggi Swasta yang berada di Kota Malang, akan tetapi dalam mengolah data Inventaris masih menggunakan sistem manual. Sebagai Universitas yang berkembang pesat, perlu adanya perubahan dalam sistem pelayanan. Oleh karena itu, penulis terdorong untuk membuat sistem pengolahan data Inventaris dengan sistem komputerisasi dengan menggunakan Microsoft …
The very fast development of information technology can help provide great benefits to every technology user. Technology is a tool used to help daily life. The development of information technology cannot be separated from a database. The database is a media or tool that functions to store or record every process carried out in information technology. The existence of a database can be very hel…
Di dalam dunia kewirausahaan, manusia dituntut untuk berfikir kreatif serta berwawasan ke depan. Sehingga masyarakat mampu mengatasi persaingan global di dunia kerja yang membuat lapangan kerja lebih sedikit daripada jumlah pencari kerja. Toko Almuna sendiri merupakan salah satu usaha kecil yang bergerak didunia perdagangan. Kegiatan perdagangan khususnya penjualan juga merupakan sumber penerim…