Uraian tentang difusi inovasi dalam buku ini terdiri atas sembilan bab, mulai dari elemen-elemen difusi inovasi, proses pengembangan inovasi, atribut inovasi dan faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi kecepatan adopsi, strategi difusi inovasi individual, kategori adopter dan karakteristiknya, kepemimpinan opini, jaringan difusi, dan peran agen pembaharuan, strategi difusi inovasi dalam organisasi, kon…
Korea has indeed been transformed from a subsistent agricultural economy into a newly industrialized one during the past three decades.Few economies in the world have matched the phenomenal economic development of South Korea - hereinafter Korea - in terms of industrialzation and technological progress.
The advance of technology, particulary electronics, has grown extremelly fast, which can be seen from the increasing numbers of costumer or user and the innovation of technology never stops. So, the demand of mobilization technology raised up. There are many systems of learning which can be applied in society and student. There are face to face, learning system between student and teacher, ind…