Industrial competition in Indonesia is increasing with growing customer needs, both industrial companies engaged in services and manufacturing, especially in terms of facility layout and the physical environment. Based on the survey results, UKM Silver 999 will redesign the production floor because some of the equipment used is replaced with new ones to make it easier to carry out the productio…
Occupational Safety and Health (K3) must be the top priority of a company, but not all companies understand the importance of K3 and know how to implement it well in a company environment. Company losses due to weak implementation of K3 are very large, namely disruption of the production process and repair of damaged production equipment due to work accidents and companies losing opportunit…
This study aims to comparing the healt of the Islamic with Bank Konvensional period 2013-2018 using the ratio CAR, NPF, ROA, BOPO and LDR. After through the purposive sampling, then samples worth used as much as the Islamic (Bank Islamic Machine, Bank Muamalat Indonesia, Bank Negara Indonesia Sharia, Islamic People’s Bank Indonesia), and five Bank Konvensional (the people of Indonesia, Bank M…
Health of Banks is needed to determine the extent to which they perform their functions in accordance with preset conditions. A sound bank, a bank capable of carrying out its operations well, can fulfill all its obligations and thus maintain the "trust" of the people. Based on rgec regulation no. 13/ 2011 on the bank's health assessments starting on January 5, 2011, the bank's health assessment…
This study aims to see the level of bank health at PT. Bank Rakyat Indonesia (Persero) Tbk for the period 2016-2018 which is reviewed from the CAMEL Method (Capital, Asset Quality, Management, Earning, Liquidity) and the RGEC Method (Risk Profile, Earning, and Capital). This type of research is a quantitative research with a descriptive approach with the research subject in the form of commerc…
Public service can be defined as the provision of services (serving) the needs of people or communities who have an interest in that organization in accordance with the basic rules and procedures that have been determined. Governance is essentially a service to the community. is not held to serve oneself, but does not serve the community and creates conditions that allow each member of society …
In early 2020 the pandemic occurred worldwide due to the spread of the COVID-19 virus starting in Wuhan, China. The virus is increasingly spreading and attacking various groups. To deal with the spread of the virus, health agencies and the government are recommending home quarantine. Because of that police, all activities must carry out in the house, from work, worship, teaching, and learning a…
Buku ini saya susun untuk memudahkan pembaca di dalam mengenali manfaat dan bahaya dari minuman yang sering dikonsumsinya atau minuman yang ada di sekitar mereka. Banyak sekali jenis minuman di dalam buku ini sehingga bisa menjadi referensi/panduan bagi para pembaca di dalam memilih jenis yang tepat. Kesehatan merupakan harta yang tak ternilai harganya dan bisa menjadi investigasi jangka pan…