Seiring dengan persaingan bisnis yang semakin kompetitif sebagai akibat dari perubahan selera pelanggan, teknologi, dan perubahan landscape bisnis, maka setiap oraganisasi membutuhkan sumber daya yang memiliki kompetensi superior. Pada dasarnya bisa dikatakan bahwa untuk bertahan dalam persaingan maka pengelolaan sumber daya manusia memberikan suatu peran strategis, dengan memastikan bahwa komp…
This study aims to analyze the influence of accounting information systems on employee performance with interest and expertise as moderating variables. This research was conducted in PD. BPR Tugu Artha Malang in December 2019. Subjects in this study were company employees using the data collection method conducted by distributing questionnaires to company employees. The dependent variable (y) …
Observing the company as a symbol of the dominant world economic system, it becomes inherently clear, its structure and function are in conflict with the protection of employers/labours law, both of which are always found gaps between das solens (the sould) and das sein (the fact), and always present discrepansies between law in the book and law in the action. In fact economic living with f…
Topik Internal Relations dalam suatu lembaga atau instansi saat ini merupakan suatu kewajiban yang dilakukan oleh sebuah perusahaan karena hubungan internal menjadi salah satu aspek penting di dalam organisasi. Hubungan yang harmonis yang tercipta di dalam organisasi menjadi penentu efektivitas dari proses komunikasi organisasi di dalam organisasi tersebut. Hubungan internal terjadi antara publ…
This study aims to analyze the influence of the training, human resource development, employee morale, and employee performance through a positivist approach. The population is employees SKM (Sigaret Kretek Mesin) Unit.V PT. Gudang Garam, Tbk with a sample of 100 employees who have represented proportionately from each part of the field of production, quality control, and PPIC. Engineering anal…
Performance Management (PM) is considerably the most critical component in the Human Resource Management (HRM) map of organizations integrates different human resources aspects such as organizational development, human resource development and reward system. On the other hand, organizational culture is principles and applications of an organization which differentiates it from others. The resea…
Keterikatan karyawan merupakan perilaku individu yang muncul dalam diri karyawan itu sendiri yang dapat mengembangkan suatu perusahaan menjadi lebih baik. Keterikatan kerja sebagai derajat kemauan untuk menyatukan diri dalam pekerjaan, menginvestasikan waktu, kemampuan serta energi dan menganggap pekerjaan itu sebagai bagian utama dalam kehidupannya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui d…
Human resources are the most important asset ini a company which must be managed, developed and maintained. It aims to employees ini the company can provide optimal contribution ie activity beyond the assigned taskes so that mutualism symbiosis occurs between te two sides. This research aims to determine the influence of perceived organizational support towards on Organizational Citizenship Beh…
This study aims to determine the influence of situational leadership style and work environment on the performance of employees of Coffee Shop Legend Coffee Malang, and to know between leadership style and any work environment that has a significant influence dominant on employee performance in Coffee Shop Legend Coffee Malang. This study used a census of 40 employees. The analysis technique us…
This research aims to analyze the influence of Knowledge Management and Competency to the Employee’s Performance. The research uses primary data obtained by spreading the questionnaire to employees of PT. Sasa Inti Gending - Probolinggo. Methods of data analysis used in this study includes regression analysis, test the f-test and t-test. Research results shows in the test F (simultaneous) tha…