Marriage is one of the forms of human effort to create a group bond called a family. According to Law Number 1 1974 on Marriage. In Article 1 UUP marriage and its purpose is the inner birth bond between a man and a woman as husband and wife with the purpose of forming a happy and lasting family or household. Explained in Article 6 of the UUP includes the terms of marriage, namely the agreement …
WAJAH PERADILAN KITA - Konstruksi Sosial Tentang Penyimpangan, Mekanisme KOntrol dan Akuntabilitas Perasdilan Pidana Peradilan merupakan wilayah multi-tafsir, yaitu wilayah di mana setiap orang yang terlibat di dalamnya mempunyai peran untuk membangun realitas peradilan. Dalam proses penafsiran itu situasi "chaos" tidak dapat dihindari, aturan perundang - undangan yang biasanya merupakan al…