In Indonesia, many regions have planted their own regional brands, namely city branding and city image. If an area increases these two factors, it can affect the decision to visit a tourist spot. In this study, city branding and city image are used to determine how they affect the decision to visit touist to Batu city. The type used in this research is quantitative using descriptive analysis an…
Supporters’ riots often occur from year to year, besides causing casualties, they also result in material losses such as vehicles, public facilities and others This study aims to determine the relationship between solidarity and aggression behavior.. The subjects in this study were Arema supporters in Malang City whose population was not cleary known. The sample size in this study of 60 subje…
Palm oil is one commodity that has a large contribution to the Indonesian economy. Nowadays,Indonesia is the largest CPO producer in the world. The many benefits of Crude Palm Oil (CPO)and Palm Kernel (PK) for the industry and the increasing demand for world markets, theprocessing industry of CPO and PK has good prospects in the future. Knowing the percentageobtained from each stage of the prod…
Malang is one of city in East Java Province, and is one of the student city and also a city that has many tourist attractions. It is a pity that behind its beauty, the city of Malang is also one of the cities that is still a problem with trash. Malang city government recognizes the enforcement of sanctions on the issue of garbage is still weak, whereas Malang has had such a rule in REGULATION N…
The higher level public awareness of public services requires government organizers to be able to provide the best service. Quality and high quality public service is the main objective of every public organization in providing services to the community. Based on observations at The Immigration Office class I Malang before the application for registration of online passport queues, it is known …
This research uses empirical research methods can also be called field research that examines the applicable legal provisions by directly plunging field, the data in this study were obtained from interviews, laws and reading sources that have relevance to the problem under study. In this study the authors use the formulation of the problem of how the role of the Batu City Election Supervisory …
Pertumbuhan trend pariwisata menciptakan diversifikasi usaha pariwisata di berbagai daerah. Setiap daerah berlomba – lomba memasarkan potensi daerahnya untuk menarik minat wisatawan. untuk memperkenalkan branding tempat ditentuntukan bagaiamana brand tersebut disampaikan. Branding tempat merupakan cara bagaimana pemerintah memberikan pembeda atau menanamkan informasi tentang suatu tempat di b…