Quality Service is form service for community that to be related with time service, process service, accuracy service, politeness and friendly to be give service, reponsibility to include complaint consumers. To be growth quality service part to order important on commitment work employee be result want to reach company can be maximum and competition with another company. Work commitment t…
Potensi bengkel teknik masih sangat menjanjikan bagi sebuah wirausaha di perkotaan seperti kota Malang. Pertumbuhan kebutuhan perumahan untuk rumah tinggal yang sangat besar terjadi di kota Malang sebagai peluang bisnis bagi bengkel teknik dalam memproduksi pesanan pagar dan canopy sebagai perlengkapan sebuah rumah tinggal. Permasalahan yang dihadapi oleh bengkel teknik adalah keterbatasan …
Krisdianti,Lia.2005.The Quality Of Service Given By The Staff Of Bank Jatim Branch Office Malang In The Multiguna Loan Section.Final Report,DIII English Program Merdeka University Malang.Supervisor:Moelyoso,S.S,M.Pd. Globalization is a big issue for human kind. It has brought many changes to the world. Those changes also happen in Indonesia, especially the tide competition in economy. This …
Ketatnya persaingan pasar dalam dunia bisnis saat ini mendorong para pengusaha untuk mencari cara yang dianggap paling efektif dan efisien yang dapat digunakan sebagai jalan untuk tetap bertahan dan berkembang dalam dunia bisnis. Perusahaan yang mendapatkan kepercayaan dari konsumen merupakan suatu bukti bahwa perusahaannya telah memberikan pelayanan yang baik. Perusaaan dituntut untuk menghasi…
This Research try to analyze the quality of service of academic taking case in Engineering Faculty Unmer Malang. Like known by Engineering Faculty Unmer Malang reside at wings of university of private sector, was working in education service area. Where orientation of university of the private sector have to major customer to take care of the continuity of its life. In university, academic per…
Human being as social creature require to communicate with human being the other. Intention of communiucation so that each individual can is recognizing between which is one with other, so that can be created by a compatible and harmonious atmosphere. Maiden Card of Simpati represent one of the product launched by Telkomsel. This product many enthused by all consumer phone sellular because o…