A bank is a financial institution that functions an intermediary instution that collects funds from the public (parties with excess funds) and distributes them in the form of credit (parties who need funds). This research was conducted to determine the effect of third party funds and the bi rate lending to commercial banks for the 2015-2019 period. The data used in this study are secondary dat…
Financial Institutions function as intermediaries or intermediaries offering various service facilities based on trust. As a financial institution that functions to save funds from the public in the form of deposits and distribute funds in the form of loans and other services, banks provide facilities in providing credit services. The community in general still feels difficulties and considers …
In carrying out its operational activities, PT Teratai always tries to increase its sales, because the increase in sales also increases the revenue for the company. One way to increase sales is that companies also use a credit sales system. The problems studied in this study are the functions related to the PT Teratai credit sales accounting system, documents and records used in the PT Teratai …
Village government institutions have the aim of improving the people's welfare and also as a public service institution. As a village government service agency, the task of information services is delegated and managed by the Village secretary, whose Village secretary acts as a public outreach. in providing services related to the flow and types of information provided by the Village secretary …
The world of hospitality is an industry that produces a large model and assets, and requires optimal handling to produce the expected results, because the hotel world will not be exhausted if explored continuously - cause offered in this hospitality product is service. The potential of the hotel world owned by the Indonesian people must be developed as much as possible and be managed in an appr…
Sexual crimes toward underage children tend to cause negative impacts on the victims, both physically and mentally, so many of them have prolonged trauma. In response to this, the government issued Peraturan Pemerintah Pengganti Undang Undang Nomor 1 Tahun 2016 replacing Pasal 81 Undang Undang Nomor 23 Tahun 2002 Tentang Perlindungan Anak. In Peraturan Pemerintah Pengganti Undang Undang Nomor 1…
On the Job Training Program is a program provided by the D3 English Program which aimed to offer opportunities for students to hone their abilities and add new experiences, especially in the world of work. Through this program, students are expected to be able and ready to deal with the ups and downs of work after graduation. During OJT, the writer was positioned as a content creator at the Lan…
The very fast development of information technology can help provide great benefits to every technology user. Technology is a tool used to help daily life. The development of information technology cannot be separated from a database. The database is a media or tool that functions to store or record every process carried out in information technology. The existence of a database can be very hel…