Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui ada tidaknya hubungan antara penerimaan diri dengan kecemasan menghadapi dunia kerja pada sarjana ekonomi. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah sarjana ekonomi yang baru lulus. Sampel dalam penelitian ini adalah sarjana ekonomi yang baru lulus dari universitas Ma Chung Malang sebanyak 30 orang. Pengambilan sampel menggunakan teknik purposive sampling. P…
On the Job Training Program is a program to equip students with working experiences and skills. By conducting this program, they are prepared to be ready to face tight competition among job-seeking competitors in the future. The writer has chosen to do OJT at Savana Hotel and Convention because it becomes the famous star hotel in Malang. Being a waiter or a waitress have to have the criteria of…
The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship PNS Women's Dual Role Conflict With Job Discipline. Sampling using sampling saturated with a population of 60 and all the population sampled data collection method using a Likert scale to the scale of the work and discipline of the dual role conflict, details of the scale of work discipline and as many as 38 items dual role conflict sc…
Each and everyone surely wish an achievement in the work that he did, particularly at network marketing business. Network Marketing represents business by searching and inviting others to join, if others joining, they will become assets which later become member achievement. High or lower labour capacity was because of many matter, but in this research, high or lower labour capacity can be seen…