Bibliography: p. 495-496. Index: p. 497-501.
Potensi bengkel teknik masih sangat menjanjikan bagi sebuah wirausaha di perkotaan seperti kota Malang. Pertumbuhan kebutuhan perumahan untuk rumah tinggal yang sangat besar terjadi di kota Malang sebagai peluang bisnis bagi bengkel teknik dalam memproduksi pesanan pagar dan canopy sebagai perlengkapan sebuah rumah tinggal. Permasalahan yang dihadapi oleh bengkel teknik adalah keterbatasan …
In stone paving industrialist, part production is part that maximal to enter into cost. Ti think of important part production cost, side management need to creat mechanism system outline and determination cost production with to be able to break skill that accurate and relevan use to reach for purpose industrialist. To be method that used for analysis problem is to decide cost price production…
Production system is the sequence of product designing activities, in which procedures to make products coherent with the work plan will be decided. Meanwhile, manufacture system is the production activity that change material into products desired that have extra values. The first step is to analyze the products make of clay, sand, grog, pigments, Fe2O3, engobe and glaze. The next to analyze …
As a company of PT. PG Krebet Baru I Malang to plan a production have to really reckoned better, because from production plan company can estimate costs to be released production process to come pursuant to plan which have been made. as for problem of faced by PT. PG Krebet Baru I Malang season mill nextly, while sugar price remain to stabilize like season mill ago. To overcome the the pro…
Production process is activity to create or process raw material or raw material become fabricating material goods and also product become readily weared by consumer. With other meaning that production process represent to with refer to the way of, technique and method to create, to making and adding value utilize an service and goods by using existing sources consisting of 5M + IT ( Man, Machi…
Production process is a process of modifying a raw material to be a product. The modification from a raw material to be a desired product will need various steps of production process. Finished good output will be distributed to a customer. Technology, machine, tools and a number of operator, is one of supporting factor in the production process, and it need to be observed in each its implement…
Pengelolaan sistem produksi yang optimal mutlak perlu dilakukan untuk mendapatkan keuntungan semaksimal mungkin yang salah satunya dapat dilakukan melalui perencanaan jadwal induk produksi yang baik. Penelitian Perencanaan Jadwal Induk Produksi di Kawasan Industri Agro Terpadu (KIAT) Gorontalo ini bertujuan untuk membuat dan menganalisa perencanaan Jadwal Induk Produksi yang memberikan alternat…