Dating relationships will inevitably face certain phases where there is a relationship that is harmonious to the point where they are not harmonious. Extreme jealousy, possessiveness and insecurity are considered expressions of love. Condescending in public is not seen as a form of torture for women who experience violence in dating relationships, showing the characteristics of individuals with…
The objectives of this study are (1) To know and analyze the DP3AP2KB communication strategy in Malang City through Advocacy and Community Education activities in the prevention of violence against women and children in the city of Malang. (1) Knowing and analyzing the inhibiting factors of the implementation of the communication strategy of DP3AP2KB Malang through community advocacy and educat…
Movie is one of a mass communication kind media that significantly to communicate some reality happened in daily society. The effect of impressions on people's lives is more or less influenced by the film of the ideas and story ideas expressed. Image showed in movie can convince audience from real story. Based on explanation, stored moral responsibility in the film to open people's horizons, di…
Komedi adalah media yang efektif untuk menyampaikan pesan dan sindiran sosial. Kekuatan dan kemampuan komedi menjangkau banyak segmen sosial, lantas membuat para komedian memiliki potensi untuk mempengaruhi khalayaknya. Banyak komedi saat ini yang mengandung unsur kekerasan, baik fisik dan psikologi. Salah satu tayangan yang mengandung unsure kekerasan adalah tayangan komedi Yuk Keep Smile …