The development of technology and the development of this modern era. Making many lifestyle changes, one of which is the hedonistic lifestyle of current students. Hedonism is the behavior of someone who simply wants to find pleasure. Student lifestyle can be seen how a person uses money, his time and his interest in something. Lifestyle is also related to behavior where behavior is a habit of s…
Technological advances from day to day make it easier for people in various fields, especially in the fields of information and communication. Along with the development of times and technology, various forms of new media have emerged. The characteristic of the new media is that it is more interactive, and uses computers because it is internet-based. One of them is YouTube social media which ha…
The culture of drinking and enjoying coffee has become a modern lifestyle. Young people do not question to buy such coffee even at a relatively expensive price. Their consumptive lives are done for the sake of a modern trend and lifestyle. Various areas of business are currently undergoing development, coffee shop or coffee shop is one that is popping up in cities. Coffee shop or coffee shop be…
The era of globalization makes technology more advanced to help human activities. People who are facilitated by this technology also have a negative impact, namely consumptive behavior. Consumptive behavior is the tendency of people to buy or consume goods or use services that are not needed and are not based on rational considerations. These actions are based on pleasure or desire. There is a …
Technological developments today are very influential for many people, especially for teenagers. They assume that technology can help them do anything, online trade for an example/instance. One of the many platforms that is often used as a platforms of online trades is Instagram, and a lot of teenagers become hedonists after they use Instagram in their daily life. Hedonic lifestyle is a view th…
Seiring dengan persaingan bisnis yang semakin kompetitif sebagai akibat dari perubahan selera pelanggan, teknologi, dan perubahan landscape bisnis, maka setiap oraganisasi membutuhkan sumber daya yang memiliki kompetensi superior. Pada dasarnya bisa dikatakan bahwa untuk bertahan dalam persaingan maka pengelolaan sumber daya manusia memberikan suatu peran strategis, dengan memastikan bahwa komp…