Pada garis besarnya org mempelajari ilmu jiwa untuk menjadikan manusia supaya hidupnya baik, bahagia dan sempurna, karena ilmu jiwa sekarang telah memasuki berbagai bidang. Banyak persoalan yang dapat dibantu penyelesaiannya dengan ilmu jiwa, misalnya persoalan siswa dalam kegiatan belajar di sekolah.Aktivitas belajar setiap individu, tidak selamanya dapat berlangsung secara wajar, dapat terjad…
Perkembangan teknologi khususnya pada smartphone adalah sangat pesat, apalagi dengan munculnya smartphone yang berbasis android yang mengakibatkan menurunnya ketertarikan manusia terhadap buku sebagai media belajar. Oleh karena itu perlu adanya aplikasi berbasis android yang mampu menjadi media belajar. Mobile-Learning merupakan Aplikasi yang dapat di terapkan sebagai media belajar, baik untuk …
Kindergarten (TK) is a form of preschool education that provides early education programs for early childhood (ages four to entering primary education). Through children's reading activities, especially story books that are packaged with learning applications using augmented reality technology. The first several stages of research that must be carried out are formulating the problem. Then carr…
The development of education today is influenced by the rapid progress of information and communication technology. One of the information technologies that play a role in the world of education is online learning. Online learning functions as a liaison between educators and students with an internet network that can be accessed anytime and anywhere. The online media used by the research subjec…
This study aims to know more independence and understand students' perceptions on e-learning during the Covid-19 pandemic in terms of four main aspects, such as interactivity, e-moderating, course design, and workload. This research was conducted with descriptive qualitative research method, the sample in this study were students of University of Merdeka Malang with three characteristics such a…
Self-regulation is a psychology term which means the ability of a student to manage all the parts of themselves to direct their behavior and to help them reaching a specific goal. This final report studies about the self-regulation in workers who continue study in the university. The sample of this final report is first year student of Open University Jember. The writer used the questionnaire t…
The writer found a lot of problems related to English learning activities at MI Sunan Kalijaga that related with students’ behavior and habits. These problems are low students’ motivation in learning English and lack of willingness to be better. Thus, they did not understand the material given by their teachers. The purpose of this study is to know the effect of a motivation on students…