Kristu rei tourism is one of the tours that has a contribution to the economy of Timor Leste and also a contribution of tourism to national development in the form of providing employment, other economic activities and foreign exchange income for the country. The city of Dili is the capital city in Timor Leste which has various tourism activities and has enormous potential in the tourism secto…
Marriage is something that is very sacred and has a very sacred purpose as well, and cannot be separated from the provisions stipulated in religious law. People who carry out a marriage is not merely to satisfy the lust perched on the body and soul, but to achieve peace, tranquility and caring attitude between husband and wife based on deep affection. In carrying out a marriage must meet the ha…
Jalan Tol Pandaan – Malang merupakan sebuah jalan tol di Indonesia sepanjang 38,48 kilometer yang menghubungkan Pandaan, Kabupaten Pasuruan dengan Kota Malang, Jawa Timur. Pembangunan jalan tol Pandaan – Malang ini merupakan salah satu program pemerintah dalam rangka pengembangan infrastruktur transportasi yang ada, sehingga diharapkan dapat menjadi prasarana transportasi yang akan membantu…