Indonesia is a country that is trying to carry out national development. Taxes are seen as a very important part of state revenue. When compared with state revenue from the oil and gas sector, the government is making more efforts to make taxes as a reliable source of state revenue. For this reason, the government, through the tax directorate general, strives to continuously increase state reve…
This research is based on the importance of land and building tax for state revenue. By looking at the size of the realization of the Land and Building Tax in an area, we can measure the level of effectiveness. As the aim of this research is to analyze and find out the effectiveness of the Collection of Land and Building Taxes conducted by the Malang City Revenue Service. To achieve the object…
This study aims to describe whether the tax collection and socialization system can make BPHTB revenue effective, to describe how big the impact of the tax collection system and taxation socialization on BPHTB revenue, and also aims to describe whether the BPHTB revenue has experienced a significant increase in the tax collection and socialization system. The research method used is a qualitat…
The purpose of this study was to determine the effectiveness and contribution of Motor Vehicle Taxes to Regional Original Income in Ngada Regency. For this reason, potential regional revenue sources must be explored to the fullest, but of course within the corridors of applicable laws and regulations, including local taxes, including Motor Vehicle Tax (PKB) has long been an element of PAD. the …
This study aims to determine the level of effectiveness and contribution of collection actions using warning letters and coercive letters to tax revenue at KPP Pratama Malang Utara. In this research, the type of data used is qualitative and quantitative data. Sources of data used are secondary data in the form of billing data using warning letters and coercive letters, data on receipts of arre…
Tax revenue is the main and largest source of income in the APBN, which has contributed around 70% over the last five years, especially from taxes on Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises. This study aims to determine the effectiveness level of UMKM final income tax revenue, as well as to determine the obstacles and efforts in receiving UMKM final income tax at KPP Pratama Malang Utara. Methods o…
This study aims to improve the application of management control systems in the field of production. Measuring the level of efficiency and effectiveness of the production department. Measuring the level of efficiency through the costs used as a benchmark for production activities and measuring the ability of the company to manage the tasks where the company produce results that can be achieved …
The purpose of this study was to determine the level efficiency and effectiveness of regional financial management in the regional revenue service in terms of regional income and regional expenditure. The analytical tool used to determine the implementationof regional financial management is by describing descriptively which includes; data presentation and conclusion drawing. Meanwhile, to find…
PT. XYZ merupakan perusahaan yang bergerak dalam industri kemasan rokok. Terdapat 2 (dua) mesin utama yang beroperasi yaitu mesin cetak offset SM CD 102-DUO dan mesin cutting BOBST SP 102-CER. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui tingkat efektivitas kedua mesin tersebut dengan metode Overall Equipment Effectivenes (OEE), untuk mengetahui penyebab menurunnya efektivitas mesin secara kesel…
Bank merupakan salah satu lembaga yang jasanya adalah menyediakan pinjaman bagi masyarakat yang memerlukan dana. Masyarakat perkotaan tentunya sangat sering berhubungan dengan untuk melakukan setiap transaksi, termasuk juga mengajukan kredit. Namun lain halnya dengan masyarakat di pedesaan, masih banyak desa yang belum tersentuh oleh bank, sehingga menyulitkan masyarakat di pedesaan untuk menga…