Penerapan Aplikasi ASC Timetables Guna Penyusunan Jadwal Perkuliahan di Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis UNMER Malang (CD + Cetak)
Arranging lecture schedules in academic activities is a routine activity that is carried out every semester. In the process of compiling the course schedule, there have many elements that are interrelated, namely: lecturers, courses, classrooms and lecture time. Therefor, it is necessary to optimize the lecture schedule so that the lecture can be carried out properly. The preparation of the lecture schedule manually takes a long time and requires accuracy for the schedule maker. Therefore, this study uses an application for scheduling courses at the Faculty of Economics and Business Unmer
Malang by using the asc Tametables application which can help the academic section to arrange lecture schedules in a short time and no more lecture schedules collide or crash.
Keywords : Time Schedule, asc Timetables, FEE Unmer Malang
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