Tindak Pidana Pencurian Benda Sakral Pratima dan Upaya Penyelesaiannya (Studi Kasus di Wilayah Hukum Polda Bali) (CD + Cetak)
Criminal problems in it’s history have always changed, from year to year criminal issues have always been debated by legal experts. When viewed from the point of view of human development, changes is a natural thing because it can improve human well being by basing oneself on past experiences.
A criminal act is the same as a criminal event or offense. According to the formulation of legal experts from the translation of straafbaarfeit namely an act that violates or is contrary to law or law, which act is commited by mistake by someone who can be held accountable.
Generally the act of stealing is the act of taking the property of another person without the knowledge of the owner, either planned or unplanned, in the morning, aftrenoon, evening, or night in groups or individuals.
The definition of a thief in short is someone who acts in theft. The meaning of theft in the legl dictionary is not written and cleary explaind but in the law dictionary it explains the meaning of the world theft namely taking other people’s property wothout permission or in an ilegal way with the intentation of being ilegally owned. In the opinion of the author, theft is the illegal owned. In the opinion of the author, theft is the illegal taking of goods or property belonging to another person without the owner’s permission by a thief. Broadly speaking a thief is a person who commits theft. Therefore, in writing this skripsi, the author continues to use the word thief as an appropriate term in reffering to the perpetrator of crime and also describes an act or action commited against the perpetrator of the pratima theft.
There are rampant criminal cuses of the theft of sacred pratima objects in Bali from 2016 to 2018 because pratima has a high economic value. This is because the age of pratima sacred object whch can reach tens of years and also the materials that adorn pratima are quite expensive, such as gold, silver, gems, and natural stone. Therefore this can make someone commit a criminal act of theft of sacred object pratima to gain profit.
Pratima theft in Bali increasingly accurring and the case settlemnt process only uses the formal Indonesia criminal law with little regard for local customary criminal law as a material for consideration. How is the perpective of customary criminal law i pratima theft is needed in order to provide the best consideration in making decisions when imposing a sentence. The discussion on pratima theft can be seen by comparing the formal criminal law, has the perspective that the purpose of the sactions given to the perptrator is not only provide a deferrent effect but also to restore a cosmic balance in society.
The theft of pratima generally results not only in material loss but also in immaterial losses which results in a disturbance of magical balance crimes like the core are actions that are very detrimental to the people in Bali. Especially those who adhere to the hindu relogion because they are considered to have damaged the balance of people’s lives. The perpetrators ar also considierd to have insulted the costumary rules contained in awig-awig in Bali. The theft of pratima is a form of dhemy against religion an the perpetrators are also considered to have damage
the nature reserve considering that pratima in Bali is part of culltural heritage objects and hereditary heritage.
According to the beliefs of the indigenous people in Bali, to restore this balance religius rituals are needed, for example the ceremony of pencaruan or purification. So that in such cases, if the perpetrator is not caught or is not a local customary citizien a cleaning ceremony is still held at the scene. Theft is of course prohibited by every religion and in the book of criminal law (KUHP) and violates the values and norms that live and apply in a society.
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