Pengaruh Food and Beverage Quality dan Atmosphere of Bar Restaurant terhadap Kepuasan Pelanggan Bar di Harris Hotel and Conventions Malang (CD + Cetak)
This study discusses "The effect of Food and Beverage Quality and Atmosphere of Bar Restaurant on Bar Customer Satisfaction at Harris Hotel and Conventions Malang”. The sample in this study consisted of 40 respondents of bar customers who enjoyed their food and drinks at the Bar Restaurant Harris Hotel and Conventions Malang, at dinner and the authors distributed questionnaires for one week. In this case the authors formulate the problems that are obtained, namely have bar customers feel satisfied with the quality of food and drinks served, and the atmosphere of the bar displayed by the Food and Beverage Department at Bar Restaurant Harris Hotel and Conventions Malang. The purpose of this research is that the writer wants to know how far the bar customers respond to their satisfaction in terms of Food and Beverage Quality and the Atmosphere of Bar Restaurant at the Bar Restaurant Harris Hotel and Conventions Malang. The research method used is descriptive-comparative quantitative. The results show that the most significant effect is the Atmosphere of Bar Restaurant on Bar Customer
Satisfaction at Harris Hotel and Conventions Malang. The expected result of this problem is that the Food and Beverage Department can make materials for employee training, is able to minimize customer complaints that occur, and can keep customers from going to competing companies.
Keywords: Food and Beverage Quality, Atmosphere of Bar Restaurant, Customer Satisfaction.
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