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Pengaruh Rasio Aktivitas, Rasio Profitabilitas dan Ukuran Perusahaan Terhadap Return Saham (Studi pada Perusahaan Sub Sektor Semen yang Terdaftar Di BEI) (CD + Cetak)
Return is the result obtained from an investment. Stock returns are influenced by various factors such as profitability ratio, activity ratio, and firm zise. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of profitability ratio, activity ratio, and firm zise on stuck returns. Sampling method in this reseach was purposive sampling and acquired 4 observational data as the sampel. The data used in this reseach was secondary data. The data analysis technique used was multiple linear regression using SSPS 17.0. The result showed that activity ratio (TATO) and profitability ratio (ROE) significant effects on stock returns, and activity ratio (ITO) and firm zise has no significant effects on stock return
Keywords: Ratio Activity, Ratio Profitability, Firm Zise, Stock Returns.
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