Pengaruh Struktur Modal dan Profitabilitas Terhadap Nilai Perusahaan pada Perusahaan Sub Sektor Kosmetik dan Keperluan Rumah Tangga yang Terdaftar di BEI Periode 2013-2018 (CD + Cetak)
This research was conducted to determine the effect of capital structure and profitability on the value of campanies in the cosmetics sub sector and household goods listed on the Indonesia (BEI) period 2013-2018.
In tacking the sample, the research used purposive samling technique, which means that the company has certain criteria that will be used as the research sample, in order to obtain a sample size of 5 (five) from 7 (seven) companies in the cosmetic and household sub sector listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange (BEI) period 2013-2018. The technique used in this research is multiple linear regression.
The results of this study indicate that the capital structure variable (DER) has a positive and significant effect on firm value (PBV and PER), capital structure (DER) has a negative and significant effect on firm value (EPS), profitability (ROE) has a positive and significant effect on firm value (PBV and EPS), while the profitability variable (ROE) has a negative and significant effect on firm value (PER). And simultaneously the capital structure (DER) and profitability (ROE) variables have a significant effect on firm value (PBV, PER and EPS) in the cosmetic and household sub sector companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange (BEI) period 2013-2018.
Keywords: capital structure, profitability
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