Analisis Pengaruh CAR, NPL, dan BOPO Terhahadap Profitabilitas Bank Umum Konvensional yang Terdaftar di BEI Periode 2008-2019 (CD + Cetak)
Banking is a financial institution that has a role in the financial system in Indonesia. The existence of the banking sector has an important role, where in people's lives most of them involve services from the banking sector. This is because the banking sector is an institution that has the main function of being a financial intermediary between parties who have funds (surplus funds) and parties that need funds (deficit funds) and as an institution that functions to smoothen traffic flow payment.
This research was conducted at conventional commercial banks listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange. The issues that will be discussed by researchers include: how the influence of Capital Adequacy Ratio (CAR), Non Performing Loans (NPL), Operational Costs on Operating Income (BOPO) and Loan to Deposit ratio (LDR) to Profitability (ROA) in conventional banks listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange for the period 2008-2019. Measurement of the above ratios researchers use SPSS.
The results of this study indicate that CAR does not have a significant effect on ROA, NPL has a negative and significant effect on ROA, LDR has no significant effect on ROA and BOPO has a negative and significant effect on ROA.
Keywords: ROA, CAR, NPL, LDR and BOPO
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