Pengaruh Dividend Payout Ratio, Current Ratio dan Variance of Earning Growth Terhadap Price Earning Ratio pada Perusahaan Sub Sektor Makanan dan Minuman yang Terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia (2014-2018) (CD + Cetak)
This research aims to know and analyze the effect of Devidend payout ratio (DPR), Current ratio (CR) and Variance of Earning growth towards price eaming ratios (per) for the corporation Food and drink listed in the Indonesian stock exchange 2014 2018. It's a quantitative study. The data researchers use is a secondary data of financial statements (balance sheets and income statements).
Sample harvesting methods are conducted by a sampling technique. From 26 companies only 7 companies meet the criteria. The method of analysis in this study is a descriptive test, classic assumptions test, linear regression, determinations coefficient, t and UI f. From this research it can conclude that: 1) the dividend payout Ratio affects price estreaming ratios 2)Ratio having no significant effect on pnice estreaming ratios 3) The varance of eaming growth does not significantly affect price Eaming Ratio 4) Dividend Payout Ratio, Current Ratio dan Variance of Eaming growth simultaneously does not account for the price earning ratios. In the study it was suggested 1) for researchers to do so, it is hoped that if studies are to take similar kinds of studies, they should make good use of other such variables as price eaming ratios 2) that further studies will be able to use other such companies as research objects and are recommended for wider sample and period research.
Keywords : Dividend Payout Ratio, Current Ratio, Vaniance of Eaming Growth, Price Eaming Ratio.
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