Prosedur Penerbitan Surat Perintah Pencairan Dana (SP2D) (Studi pada Bidang Keuangan Kantor Daerah Kabupaten Ngada) (CD + Cetak)
This study aims to determine the procedure for issuing SP2D, knowing the problems faced in issuing SP2D, and knowing how to solve problems in issuing SP2D in Ngada District Office. The technique used in analyzing the data is
qualitative analysis using a descriptive approach. Based on the results of the analysis, it shows that there are still difficulties in inputting a Fund Disbursement Order (SP2D) in the Regional Management Information System (SIMDA) application. Difficulty in making SP2D application letter. There are still document picking errors in filing SPM applications. Delayed due to an error in recording the SP2D register. Delayed due to the absence of the
authorized officials.
Keywords: Procedure, Fund Disbursement Order
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