Tindak pidana pemerkosaan terhadap anak kandung yang dilakukan oleh orang tua (studi putusan hakim pengadilan negeri sorong no.134/PID.SUS/2014/PN Son) (CD + Cetak)
Children are a gift from God. Children are also the greatest asset for a nation to always be safeguarded and protected by their rights. Protection of a child is a must given the importance of the existence of children for the continuity of a nation in the future. Then the safety and well-being of children must not be ignored let alone
snatched. Based on that, the problems to be raised in this paper are as follows. What is the basis for the judge's consideration in deciding the criminal rape of biological children? and How is the application of the rule of law by the Panel of Judges in imposing sanctions against rape of biological children? Judging from the title and formulation of the issues raised above, the type of research that will be used in the preparation of this legal writing is normative legal research or library law writing. Namely legal research carried out by examining library materials or secondary data, namely legal materials obtained from the results of research and study of library materials.
Judge's legal considerations in imposing criminal sanctions on the defendant Christian Richart Ronsumbre are in accordance with applicable law and also based on the testimonies of witnesses presented at the hearing, all of which were justified by the defendant, supplemented by the defendant's own admission with evidence presented at the trial, as well as Judge's juridical considerations with matters that incriminate the defendant, accompanied by consideration of matters that can alleviate the defendant, by observing relevant laws, as well as reinforced by the
judge's conviction in passing a fair decision.
Keywords: Rape, Biological Children
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