Computer File
Pengaruh kualitas pelayanan publik terhadap kepuasan masyarakat di Kantor kelurahan Kebonsari Kulon Kecamatan Kanigaran Kota Probolinggo
A test to the resutled regression model using F test, based where on the
basis of analysis result, the F countvalue:24,064 and F table value : 2,233 so the
F count > F table with probaitity 0,0000 less than A,05. This shows that customer
satisfaction variety can explained by variables of sevice quality, so that double linier
regression model is accurate. From the hypothesis result II, it can be concluded that
thi result of t count coeficient shows that reliability variable (X) is the largest t
count valtte if it compared with another t count value- Besides, the regression
cofficient is larger ihan another regression cofficient. Therefore, the second
hypothesis which explains that tangible variable is the ntost influence variable
toward customer satisfoction in the Office of Kelurahan Kebonsari Kulon Kecamatan
Kanigaran, the City of Probolinggo is statisticalllt proven. From the analyses we cdn
obtain determination cofficient (R2) in qmount of 0,586, which mecns that public
service quality variable which comprises of physical evidences, responsive capacity,
guoronir, and emphaty, can account the change of people satisfaction in atnount of
58,6%w hile 41,4% accountsf or another variable which is not analysed.
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