Penerapan prudential banking sebagai upaya meminimalisir risiko kredit bermasalah pada kredit usaha rakyat (KUR) (studi pada PT.Bank Pembangunan Daerah,Tbk(bank Jatim Cab.Batu) (CD)
Ernanto Dwi Laksono, 2015 “Penerapan Prudential Banking Sebagai Upaya Meminimalisir Risiko Kredit Bermasalah Pada Kredit Usaha Rakyat (KUR) (Studi Pada PT. Bank Pembangunan Daerah, Tbk (Bank Jatim) Cabang Batu), Umu Khouroh,SE., MSi, Dra. Krisnawuri Handayani, MM, Drs. M. Nur Singgih, MM, 107 hal.
Banking is a financial institution that is in Indonesia which has an important role for the survival of the economy of Indonesia. The role of banking must be maintained in good and healthy, Bank Indonesia banking rules and establishing authorities responsible for overseeing the operations of the banking activity. In addition to Bank Indonesia, the Government also plays a role in banking supervision in the world because the bank is an institution of public confidence in any order. Each running his bank should always hold the banking policy in order not to experience a banking risk. The application of the prudential principle is very important to be done by every bank to avoid a non-performing loans. Application of the principle of prudential banking policy aims to gain the trust of society against high bank and bank properly in compliance with the provisions and the legal norms in force in the banking world, so every bank in the conduct of its business must apply the prudential principle. The researchers chose the banking sector as an object of study because the level of competition in the banking sector is high in providing service to its customers and become a bank that is trusted by the community.
This research was meant to find out the application of prudential banking that exists in every company banks surveyed. Researchers can give advice related to research after learning the application of prudential banking from each company banking. So the company operating the company could improve management based on research findings.
A method of research in this research using a method of descriptive through approach case study to describe condition of a corporation sistimatically, factual and accurate of regarding situations or phenomenon of what’s happening and to make the analysis and the conclusion of the situation.
The result showed that companies a PT. Bank Pembangunan Daerah, Tbk (Bank Jatim) Cabang Batu In prudential banking has yet to be so applied the state of being indicated the presence of the decline in the performance in credit distribution the increasing the number of credit realitation given the more increased risk of non-performing loans.
The result of research is expected for the company, expecially operational management, pay more attention to in the implementation of prudential banking besides kinds of analyse and supervision further improved in order to minimize the risk of non-performing loans.
Key Word : prudential banking, non performing loan
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