Peran Soft Skill Terhadap Prestasi Kerja Karyawan PT. Hero Supermarket, Tbk. (CD+Cetak)
The purpose of this study is to determine how much the role of Soft Skill Employee Job Performance in PT. Hero Supermarket, Tbk (Giant Hypermarket Gajayana MALANG). Sampling using sampling saturated with a population of 98 and all the population sampled data collection method using a Likert scale to scale performance and soft skills, details of the performance scale 30 and scale items soft skills as much as 44 items. The validity of the test results using the formula of Pearson Product moment where the performance scale showed 3 items killed and 27 items valid with a correlation coefficient of 0.561 to 0.787 moves, while the soft skills scale shows 6 items fall and 38 items valid with coefficients correlation move from 0.302 to 0.734, reliability test results of the two variables by using the formula of Cronbach's Alpha showed a correlation coefficient of 0.951 and 0.905 for job performance for soft skills, which shows both the scale of measurement is very reliable. The results of data analysis using product moment correlation showed that rcomputing = 0.620 then compared to the significant level of 5 % for N = 98, the obtained mean rcomputing (0.620) > rtable (0.202). The data obtained in this study were analyzed again by using simple linear regression analysis. obtained F value = 59.837 for N = 98 ; with a significant level of 5 % for N = 98 then F table = 3.94 so F value (59.837) > F (3.94). The magnitude of the effect of soft skills on work performance is (r2 x 100 = 38.4 %), so it can be concluded that a significant difference between the performance of the soft skills so that the hypothesis is accepted.
Keywords: Job Performance and Soft Skills
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