Hubungan Antara Stress Kerja Suami Dengan Keharmonisan Perkawinan Pada Anggota TNI-AD di Batalyon Arhanudri 2 (CD + Cetak)
The study aims to know the relationship between husband’s work stresses as TNI AD
with the marriage. Harmony in marriage requires commitment between husband and wife to
believe and respect each other so that conflict can be avoided, or if any, can be solved in a
good way. This kind of commitment is, indeed, important for a husband and a wife,
especially for those who work as TNI AD since the job requires the soldier to be ready for
any command which can reduce the frequency to meet between spouses. The job which does
not tolerate any other business except the command from the boss, sometimes cause work
stress to the soldiers, in this case is to husbands.
The hypothesis of the study is that there is a relation between husband’s work
stresses as TNI AD with the marriage harmonious. The population taken in the study is TNI
AD soldiers of Batalyon Arhanudri 2. The taking of the population used purposive sampling
technique with 158 people and 67 samples. The method used to collect the data is Likert
Scale for work stresses scale and the marriage harmonious, which are 64 items for work
stress and 60 items for the marriage harmonious. The result of the validity testing using
Product moment of Pearson shows 4 items of work stresses are failed and 60 items are valid
with correlation coefficient moves from 0,310 to 0,787 and 5% significance. Meanwhile, the
harmonious marriage scale shows 3 items are failed and 57 items are valid with correlation
coefficient moves from 0,378 to 0,728 and 5% significance. The result of the reliability
testing using Alpha of Cronbach shows 0,948 of correlation coefficient for the work stress
and 0,964 for the marriage harmonious, which means that the testing is reliable. The result of
the data analysis using correlation of product moment shows r count = -0,537 and r table =
0,244 in 5% of significance level if r count -0,537 > r table 0,244 which means the hypothesis
is proven.
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