Hubungan Keharmonisan Perkawinan Orangtua Dengan Perilaku Prososial Siswa Reguler Pada Siswa ABK Di Sekolah Inklusi SDN Sumbersari 1 Malang
The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship of harmony
Marriage Parenting prosocial behavior Students With Regular At ABK Students
In School Inclusion SDN Sumbersari 1 Malang. Prosocial behavior is an act that
encourages a person to interact, cooperate, and help others without expecting
anything for herself. From the observations show that the inclusion of many
school children with special needs (ABK) often get bullying (bullying) from their
friends the other (regular students) or regular students can be said to have a low
prosocial behavior in the classroom ABK friends, it also occurs inclusion school
SDN Sumbersari 1. Marriage of the parents is called harmonic if the marriage
does not happen shocks and it runs smooth marriage. Children with parents
unhappy marital relationship will perceive their home as a happy place to live
because fewer problems between the parents so the fewer the problems faced by
children. The existence of a problem that few children can learn to develop
behaviors - positive attitude towards the surrounding environment such as
prosocial behavior towards her, this also applies to children who have the
education to inclusive education services. The hypothesis of this study is that
there is relationship between parental marital harmony with the regular student
prosocial behavior in students at school ABK inclusion SDN Sumbersari 1
Malang. The research sample that is 71 regular students. Sampling technique in
this study using purposive sampling technique. Methods of data collection for
prosocial behavior scale and make use of marital harmony Likert method, which
details 52 aitem scale prosocial behavior and marital harmony 55 scale items. The
results of testing the validity of using Product Moment Correlation Correlation of
person where prosocial behavior scale showed three aitem the fall and 49 aitem
valid with a correlation coefficient moves from 0, 302 to 0.734 with a significance
level of 5%, while the second shows the scale of marital harmony aitem the fall
and 50 aitem valid with a correlation coefficient moves from 0, 334 to 0.783 with
a significance level of 5%, reliability test results of the two variables by using the
formula of Cronbach Alpha reliability coefficient of 0.938 shows for prosocial
behavior and 0.965 for marital harmony, a second measurement scale shows very
reliable. The results of the data analysis using Product Moment Correlation
showing r count r = 0.519 and 0.220 in table 5% significance level at which a
count r 0.519> 0.220 r table means that the hypothesis is accepted.
Keyword: prosocial behavior, Marital Harmony, School Inclusion
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