Hubungan Antara Pengungkapan Diri (Self Disclosure) Dengan Kemampuan Resiliensi Pada Remaja (CD+Cetak)
Vivin Hartini, Putu.2011.Relationship between Self Disclosure with the ability of Resilience in Teenagers.Skripsi, Department of Psychology, University of Merdeka Malang.Supervising: (I) Nawang Warsi, S. Psi, M. Si,Psychologist, (II) Dra. Dewanti Ruparin Diah.
The dynamics of development in adolescence is also very dynamic because of the many changes that occur in adolescence, it makes teens often faced with anxiety, conflict, and frustration. Some teens are able to adjust to the problems, some are not. Teens who could not adjust to the problems often select a shortcut that is negative. Detour chosen as teenagers escape from the problems of teenagers.
Teenagers can not accept reality, because it is not in line with expectations. Behavior of adolescents who run away from problems by using the shortcut shown that the ability of lower resilience teens .Teenagers are also required by the environment to be able to cope with they problems. In fact they problems want to
solve yourself by using this believe.The way that teenagers often make teenagers fall into a negative or a deviation, because of completion or in fact not in accordance with the expectation that teens want.Resilience is the ability of individuals to conform and adapt to change, the demands and frustrations
that arise in kehidupan.Resiliensi can also develop individual capacity to cope, and improve themselves
from the downturn. Adolescents in their own inability to overcome the problem, making young people need
someone else to guide teenagers find the right way to cope with and accept the reality of the
problems.Suggestion or referrals from others, be it family, friends, or older adults is to help young in
finding solutions to adolescent problems. In this case the self-disclosure in adolescents is needed. Selfdisclosure
can be interpreted as giving information about yourself to another people..Self-disclosure is the
ability to provide resilience of existing information on adolescent will be more able to develop if balanced
with good self-disclosure.Good self-disclosure is one way to prevent things that are not they
want..Resiliece in adolescents should be able to change the conditions that negative into a positive
condition, with the help of self-disclosure also will be able to prevent things that are not desirable, that may
be done by teenagers. The purpose of this study is whether there is any relationship between self-disclosure
with the ability to teenagers. Sampel resilience of the study are all high school students Cape Tourism as
many as 75 students, with a saturation sampling technique. This study used two scales, namely selfdisclosure
scale consisting of 54 aitem and resilience scale consisting of 60 aitem.Hasil testing the validity
of using the formula for the Pearson product moment of self-disclosure scale shows 4 aitem the autumn and
there are 50 aitem valid or valid with a correlation coefficient ranged from 0.229 to 0.617 and for the
resilience scale shows 6 aitem who died and 54 aitem valid or invalid by the correlation coefficient ranged
from 0.235 to 0.527.The test results using the formula alpha reliability of self-disclosure cronbach to show
a correlation coefficient 0.863 indicates resilience and to scale correlation koefesian 0.829. It shows both
the scale of measurement for both variables are reliable or have kehandalan.Hasil data analysis using
Pearson product moment correlation showed that the count r = 0.598 with r tables where if r = 0.227 count
0.598> 0.227 r table means there is a significant relationship between self-disclosure by the ability of
resilience in adolescents
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