Efektivitas Media Brosur Dalam Menarik Minat Pengguna Jasa Industri Multimedia (CD)
Harris Widodo, 08330059 Program Studi Ilmu Komunikasi, Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik, Universitas Merdeka Malang, menulis Skripsi Tentang ”Efektifitas Media Brosur Dalam Menarik Minat Pengguna Jasa Industri Multimedia”. Dengan Dosen pembimbing yang mendampingi yaitu Pembimbing I Bapak Priyo Dari Mulyo dan Dosen Pembimbing II yaitu Bapak Imam Patkuroji.
Kozuka Production is one of the multimedia company that is still fairly new in the city of Malang, East Java. Production Kozuka addressed in Jln.Raya Parangargo no. 3 Wagir, Malang. Kozuka Productions was founded in 2007 and gradually expanded into the multimedia field professionally, where Kozuka Production will need to provide a variety of multimedia services for corporate clients who need services or whether it be animation, videography, photography and graphic design. Kozuka production chose advertising strategy using print media brochures, because the brochure is a product of information delivery media type multimedia services are very wide variety of forms, and not just appealing to the public, so it attempted to compete with other similar industries.This study aims to determine and explain the effectiveness of the brochure in the interests of service users particularly Kozuka Production multimedia industry.The brochure is an advertising medium that contains information or explanation of products, services, facilities design and shape that can attract attention in order to establish a good image and positioning efforts in the community. For the producers themselves, the use of brochures advertising media is expected to attract potential customers, causing the response and ending on the actions of consumers that use the services of Production Kozuka, resulting in increased marketing and outreach.In the current era of globalization greatly improved technological developments as well as technological developments in the field of multimedia. However, the selection use brochures advertising media are still needed and used in advertising in the field of multimedia because of consideration of the advantages and benefits of a brochure advertising medium itself. Both of these are closely related, where the contribution of technological development that exists today, also makes the process of creating and designing a brochure advertising media is becoming increasingly easy, varied and always had innovation.In response to the objects used in the study can be concluded that the selection and use of advertising media in the form of brochures is the right choice and have a high effectiveness in communicating and conveying information from Kozuka Production to prospective customers. And expected future studies of print media advertising brochures again is further developed and studied in depth, especially in the aspect of determining the target market differentiation and its relation to design an effective brochure.
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