Perbedaan Subjective Well-Being Karyawan PT. Altus Logistic Services Indoensia Ditinjau dari Salary (CD + Cetak)
Subjective welll being refers to how people judge their own happines and life
satisfaction, so they tend to be happier and satisfied with their life. People who have high
usually optimistic, low neuroticism, self-esteem, have positive relationships, good social life,
have good self control, intimacy, extrovert, has purpose and meaning in life. Many
employees are protesting because there is a problem with their salary. This makes the
employees feel unhappy. Unhappiness sparked efforts to demand salary more in line with
what they do.
This study was conducted to see if there is any differences in subjective well-being’s
PT. Altus LOGISTICS SERVICES INDONESIA employees based on their salary. Subjects
in this study were male employees of PT. LOGISTICS SERVICES INDONESIA Altus under
the age of 30 years, with total of 50 people using purposive sampling as sampling technique.
Research data collection method uses a scale of subjective well-being which consists of 50
aitem. The results of testing the validity of the scale of subjective well-being 9 aitem that are
not valid and there are 41 valid autem with a moving correlation coefficient between 0.295 to
0.711. Reliability test results showed a correlation coefficient value of 0.929, which means
the scale of subjective well-being in this study were reliable. The results of data analysis
shows that the value of F = 42.681, sig = 0.000 with a standard. Based on the results of F test
analysis above, it can be said that there are differences in subjective well being’s PT Altus
Logistics Services Indonesia employees based on their salary because of sig (p = 0.000)
smaller α = 5% and F> Ftabel(2.58).
Keywords: Salary, subjective well-being.
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