Hubungan Antara Gaya Hidup Hedonis Dengan Adversity Quotient Pada Remaja (CD+Cetak)
Adolescence can be termed as the age problem, namely teenagers trying to solve
their own problems in a way that they believe and refuse help from others. It is associated
with the Adversity Quotient is owned by an individual capacity to respond, survive and
try to overcome difficulties. But in reality many teens are still not able to solve problems
faced by both. The inability of adolescents to overcome the problem easy to make
teenagers fall in deviant behavior. Deviant behavior or escape from a problem shows
adversity teens quotient is low. This issue is related to the hedonistic lifestyle inherent in
adolescence in which teenagers choose the instant settlement process and prefer to put
pleasure and avoid trouble. The research was conducted to determine whether there is
influence and how much influence hedonist lifestyle of Adversity Quotient in adolescents.
The population used is Taman Harapan High School Malang. The number of samples
determined in this study were 71 students. Sampling technique using stratified random
sampling technique. The results of the validity of the hedonic scale lifestyle with a 0.05
significance level moves from 0,266 to 0,621 with a total of 22 valid item, while the
validity of the scale of Adversity Quotient moves from 0,307 to 0,639 with a valid number
as many as 52 item. Calculation of reliability hedonistic lifestyle variables obtained value
coefficient reliability = 0,910, and the reliability of Adversity Quotient obtained value of
the variable alpha (α) = 0,825. Where both numbers are expressed according to the norms
of reliability reliable. Analysis result data by use of correlation product moment pearson
point out that r = 0,521 by r tables = 0,235 where if r computings -0,521 > r table -0,235
its mean exist relationships that adequately strong among Hedonist life style with
Adversity Quotient, one that matter hedonist life style step-up will be followed by
decrease Adversity Quotient.
Key words: hedonic lifestyle, Adversity Quotient.
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